Why do u what to change from current organization ?
Dear sir, in rbi total time is 3 hours & total 200 marks question . But i dont understand how many no of question in maths,eng,reas,ga. please help me. so please send me a total set f rbi previous papers with solution. THANKS
what is the audit risk in favour of an chartered accountant ?
Anybody knows the Date,Venue and Place of Probationary Officer Interview????Anybody got the Call letter for Syndicate Bank?
I am right now working in NGO for the last five years. and anywhere i go for interview they asked why do you want to leave that organisation after a long time. what will be the best suited answer for this.
Can you send me some general information about rain forests (or climate change, pollution, food, etc.) for my information?
hai , iam roopa..i have applied for syndicate bamk bpo post.iam from engineering stream.i like to know about the questions that should ask from general economics,accounting etc...please mail to:roopa_roopacm@rediffmail.com
i have tested one module at the i found one defect for it. it is fixed by developer but i want to know the impact of these defect on other module which has dependency on defect found module. Other than regression how we will use best practice for to find any impact on other module as it's near to deadline for testing
I have quqlified sbi clerical wriotten test but a character certificate issued by a gazetted officer is required during the interview pleasec tell me from where i can get it .Is govt. doctor in railway ministry is also a gazetted officer who can issue me character certificate. please send me a format for character certificate
2 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
8.why do you want to work here?
what is the time alloted for objective question in allahbad bank clerical exam.plz answer.
Expected date for results of SBI PO , Can anyone tell...plz
which is the best engineering college in vijayawada