pls tell me how to introduce my self in a perfect way if
the interviewr ask question tell something about ur self
pls post answer with example as early as possible.
about my self
i completed my in the year 1999 afer that i
joined in bdps computer inst i learned
c,cpp,oracle,java,vb,ms office after completion of that i
joined as a lab assistant in the same institute i worked
there for 2 years after that i joined as a back end
executive in a mnc general ins company for 2 years,about my
family i have 3 brothers well setteld in the business my
mother is house wife my father expired in a road accident
this is my job,study and my family back ground now u pls
tell me how tell this in interview in a perfect way.u pls
post answer.
what kind of jobs will you be doing in the next one year, two years or five years?
iam a bzc graduate with science in intermediate,completed mba and working in software for past 15 years.can i get any technical degree now?
what will be the total salary for a newly recruited taluk social welfare officer in karnataka ( Gazetted Group B Officer)
why do you want to work for this organization?
how would you like to talk to a travel agent regarding hotel offers special rates
How can we See NTFS Partitions in Linux RHEL 5 plz give simple answer as possible
i am 12 pass candidate selected as clerk in sbi. what is my starting salary?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
i m from engineering background and now i want to go banks....if the question will asked that why u prefer the bank job while u r from technical background?
When U want to send data from PCI (which connected to through Router) to second PC2 (which connected to router 2). Now I would like to know that what would do router for sending data
1 Answers V Angelz Technologies,
i have cleared iob po written exam 2011 can any body say when will be the possible date of interview