Which type of TDQ is read destructive?
What are the three BMS options ?
Mention the 5 fields available in the symbolic map for every ?NAMED? field in the DFHMDI macro? Give a brief description of these fields (Not exceeding a line).
when will be use the tdq and tsq??
If you use the OPTIMIZE compiler option the size of the program can be reduced by 5 to 10%(True or False)
Explain the mdt in cics?
Can you tell recent requirement(s) you handled with your project? Requirements based on Banking Application.
Explain the difference between the xctl and link commands?
How To Retrive The VSAM Datasets in CICS application programs?
What is an AEY9 abend ?
What is the comaera (communication area)?
Define cebr?
Define floating maps with illustration?