I don't have any idea on VBscript.
can any one point me to a good web site to learn VBscript.
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1)How to test whether items in a weblist are in alphabetical order or not?
Out of the different type of operators, which are evaluated first and last in the vbscript language?
1. How to handle object implementation change in DP for Ex: i have login page with username,pasword (editboxes),login,cancel(buttons). Here i written DP code for login page with the help properties. My questions: 1.If properites are changing dynamically i will do (i want code for that) 2.if objects are changed dynamcally i will do (i wnat code for that)
how to write a vb script in QTP for yahoo registration form, i want to check the performance also like performance test, stress, load test like that.
What is the purpose of the err object in the vbscript language?
Mention the rules for using option explicit statement?
How many types of operators are available in the vbscript language?
Which loop is used in case of arrays in the vbscript language?
what is the differance between BYVAL,BYREF?
How to get the background color of a weblist?
Which object provide information about a single runtime error in a vbscript?
Which operator is used to concatenate the 2 values in the vbscript language?