What is the function of the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION

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What is the function of the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command?..

Answer / sahil

a) HANDLE option is used for exception handling
b) It should be used before the cics condition.
c) Handle condition gives the control to the para for exception handling.

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What is the function of the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command?..

Answer / ankit

handle condition route the cursor to particular para inorder
to take the paricular action when that error codition
occured after execution of that command.
exec cics handle condition
notfnd (para-1),
invrec (para-2),
duprec (para-3)

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What is the function of the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command?..

Answer / mahesh

In order make the program execution continuous even when an
exception is occured in a program.

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