What care has to be taken to force program to execute above
16 Meg line?
what are decleratives in cobol?
What rules are to be followed while using the corresponding options?
When is a scope terminator mandatory?
in a indexed file what is procedure for read the records from 12 to 18. please give the code example
if you give cylinder(1,1)how many cylinders it will be allocate?
What are various search techniques in cobol? Explain.
What will happen if you code GO BACK instead of STOP RUN in a stand alone COBOL program ?
8 Answers Arigo Infotech, IBM,
ZEROES and SPACES are _______ constants (a) Figurative (b) Numeric (c) Non-numeric (d) Alphabete
Can we use goto statement in inline_perform ?
What is the difference between structured cobol programming and object alternativelyiented cobol programming?
How to find out the closest prime number of an input number? I believe it has something to do with SEARCH and COBOL Linear Array.
How to remove the spaces at end of each record in the output file Via COBOL program? note: The file has a VB length