Name the hormone concerned with starting of labour pains
and causing the uterus to contract ?
What is Epineurium?
What are two names for an increased number of red cells?
What does the 5th pharyngeal pouch develop into?
Traction or tear of the superior trunk of the brachial plexus causes what syndrome?
A baby is born with spina bifida. Explain what happened or didn't happen developmentally? How might this defect have been prevented?
What does the thymus arise from?
What are the blood cell differentiation names of the PLASMA CELL line beginning with the pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell?
What are the input and output of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus?
What is the importance of the physiologic chloride shift in erythrocytes?
What are the rule of 2's for the 2nd week of development?
CN IV passes through what 'hole'?
Where is the CSF found?