What command is used to replace the existing string with
some other?
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Answer / thangaraju
sed 's/existingstring/newstring/g' filename or Specfied
row means sed '1,10s/existingstring/newstring/g' filename
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Answer / suresh mishra
sed 's/existing_pattern/new_pattern/g' file_name :- It replaces "existing_pattern" with "new_pattern" GLOBALLY.If you are not providing 'g' at the end, it will only replace the first occurrence of the matching pattern.
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Answer / amit kumar
sed 's/existing_word/new_word/g' file1.txt.It replaces the
all the existing word with new word wherever it occurs in
file1.g stands for global.
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Answer / drishya
:g/existing word/s//new word
this s can be used while using C in linux...
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Answer / pavankumar
sed 's/word1/word2/g' file
it replaces all occurences of word1 with word2 in file.
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