What is 2*2?
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why & sign is used in copy constructor
How connect plc and pc through software
What are stl algorithms?
Distinguish between: a) Normal layout & Print Layout views b) Windows Clipboard & office Clipboard c) Save & Save As Commands d) Program File & Data File e) Pie Charts & Barr Charts
To modify an, existing worksheet. What steps are involved for: 1. Inserting and deleting rows and columns. 2. Printing cell formulas 3Jld displayed values 3. Using the page setup command
Assume I have a linked list contains all of the alphabets from "A" to "Z?" I want to find the letter "Q" in the list, how does you perform the search to find the "Q?"
what's the difference between abstract class and concreate class? what's the meaning of standard template library(STL)?
why we are using the fork command?.. how it works?
write a c++ program to create an object of a class called employee containing the employee code name designation basic salarry HRA Da gross salary as data 10 such objects "members process "
What is the stl, standard template library?
tell about sorted linked list
How do you convert stl to steps?