How to resolve the soc4 and soc7 errors?

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How to resolve the soc4 and soc7 errors?..

Answer / ashu

soc-4 Storage violation error

soc-7 Invalid data in numeric field

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How to resolve the soc4 and soc7 errors?..

Answer / param

You have to look at the dump and note down the offset
address.Then check the instruction with this offset address
in the program compilation output.


If you are blessed with having debugging tools then life is
a lot easier.Debug the program , the execution will stop at
the abending instruction.The advantage is that you can skip
through the statement with changing values and see if there
are any other abends in the program apart from this.Usually
very useful for resolving multiple S0C7 abends at one go!

If i'm wrong..ppl are welcome to correct me!

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How to resolve the soc4 and soc7 errors?..

Answer / billyboyo

The general technique for any abend in an IBM Cobol program
is the same. Look at the dump. Find the address of the
instruction that is failing. Find the program the
instruction is in. Find the displacement of the failing
instruction in the program. Find the program statement from

Then, having identified the line of code and the field(s)
involved, work out what got messed up. It could be the
data, it could be your code, it could be someone else's
code. There are even other rare possibilities.

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How to resolve the soc4 and soc7 errors?..

Answer / swamy

soc4 when u r tryng to access a memory location for which u
don't hav access

soc7 non numeric operation on numeric field

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How to resolve the soc4 and soc7 errors?..

Answer / nagappa

Soc4 can resolved using mispleed dd name and dd name is not
matching with file

and soc7 check the sysdump and copy the offest address then
correct it in the program.

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