What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?

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What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / reejusri


1. enable large scale reuse of S/W
2. Helps in improve developer communication
3. capture expert knowledge and design trade-offs and make
expertise widely available

1.Do not lead to direct code reuse
2. Complex in nature
3. they are deceptivrly simple
4. they are validated by experince and discussion

Is This Answer Correct ?    146 Yes 35 No

What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / prits

A design pattern is:

a standard solution to a common programming problem

a technique for making code more flexible by making it meet
certain criteria

a design or implementation structure that achieves a
particular purpose

a high-level programming idiom

shorthand for describing certain aspects of program

connections among program components

the shape of an object diagram or object model

Design patterns may increase or decrease the
understandability of a design or implementation. They can
decrease understandability by adding indirection or
increasing the amount of code.

Is This Answer Correct ?    58 Yes 26 No

What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / shashikant

Design patterns help overcome this problem because they teach the lessons distilled from experience by experts: patterns document expertise. Further, patterns not only describe how software is structured, but more importantly, they also describe how classes and objects interact, especially at run time. Taking these interactions and their consequences explicitly into account leads to more flexible and reusable software.

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What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / favour chidimma okpara

advantage of drafting Patten. 1)they are cheap disadvantage of drafting Patten. 1)it is used to one person that is only the owner.

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What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / paul

The advantages are that design patterns are solutions to repetitive problems in object orientated programming (solutions that can be re-used over and over and applied to different areas and different problems). They are templates for you to base your solutions on. 

Disadvantages are picking the correct design pattern and understanding how to implement that pattern to your scenario and knowing what to name your classes, so as to make it clearer for future programmers. 

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 14 No

What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / venkatesh

An additional disadvantage is :

1> They consume more memory because of generalised format
they are written, to store any kind of data .

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 46 No

What are advantages and disadvantages of Design patterns?..

Answer / graciela perez

I dont really know but im going to make a guess. I think the
Advantage is the constant rate it has in it i mean duhhh
helloo :)

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 39 No

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