Is it easy to grow a bonsai tree from a seed?
what are isoflavonoids and tanins?
Write a floral formula for a flower which has 5 united sepals; a zygomorphic corolla of 5 petals-one large one, two small ones, and two that are united; 9 stamens united by their filaments and one free; and one superior carpel.
Explain the difference between an achene and a caryopsis.
For a flower to be complete, it must possess what four types of floral appendages?
What is Ethnobotany?
Define respiratory quotient?
Which tree is more advanced: deciduous or coniferous?
hi i choose botany for appearing in group 2.i want to know wheather the question will be asked from ma syllabus alone r in general ah
Explain cotyledons?
Which of the branch of botany deals with the naming and classifying of plants?
What is meant by single-cell protein?
what is the importance of mistletoe used by pharmaceutical industry?