On the screen how do you write the following words?
she sells seashells by the seashore
(a) all in one line
(b) in three lines
Write a program that asks interactively the user’s name and age and
responds with
Hello name, next year you will be next_age.
where next_age is age + 1
For the different values of n, what is the output?
printf(“%x %c %o %d”,n,n,n,n);
(a) n = 67
(b) n = 20
(c) n = 128
(d) n = 255
(e) n = 100
What will be the output of the following program?
int main()
char a,b,c;
scanf(“%c %c %c”,&a,&b,&c);
printf(“a=%c b=%c c=%c”,a,b,c);
return 0;
[Note: The user input is:ABC DEF GHI]
What is static function? Explain with an example
Why is swift so fast?
What is wrapper class in c++?
What is nested class in c++?
Write a corrected statement in c++ so that the statement will work properly. x =+ 7;
Is python written in c or c++?
Can a constructor be private?
Is swift faster than go?
What is c++ iterator?
What is algorithm in c++ programming?
how can u create a doubly linked list with out using pointers?
How do we balance an AVL Tree in C++?