What is static volatile in c?
for(i=0;i=printf("Hello");i++); printf("Hello"); how many times how will be printed?????????
What is .obj file in c?
What functions are used in dynamic memory allocation in c?
What is meaning of "Void main" in C Language.
24 Answers Ford, GU, HCL, IBIBS, JUW, TCS,
Explain the difference between structs and unions in c?
What is the right type to use for boolean values in c? Is there a standard type?
Differentiate between full, complete & perfect binary trees.
What are nested functions in c?
How can I invoke another program (a standalone executable, or an operating system command) from within a c program?
What is extern variable in c with example?
Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the maximum number of concurrent threads that the InnoDB plug-in can create.
How to add two numbers without using semicolon at runtime