Why c is a mother language?
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How many levels of pointers have?
What is the difference between exit() and _exit()?
In c language can we compile a program without main() function?
write a c program to find the sum of five entered numbers using an array named number
what is difference between userlevel threads and kernel level threads ?what are the trades offs between these two approaches ? what approach is most frequently used and why ?
How to write in a function declaration and in function call in which the function has 'n' number of varible or arguments?
WAP that prints the number from 1 to 100. but for multiplies of three print "XXX" instead of the number and for the multiplies of five print "YYY" . for number which are multiplies of both three and five print "ZZZ"
What is the difference b/w Structure & Union?
The performance of an operation in several steps with each step using the output of the preceding step a) recursion b) search c) call by value d) call by reference
Explain what is the difference between far and near ?
hi... can anyone help me to make a two-dimensinal arrays in finding the sum of two elements plzzz. thnx a lot...
Differentiate between a for loop and a while loop? What are it uses?