What are the components of swing in java?
What is JTable and what is its purpose?
What is swing gui?
when i run Frame program, it display output in supparate window.i try to close using "X" it not close.min'-' & max'+' are working.pls what is problem? i run in editplus. folowing program i given. import java.awt.*; class Form1 { Frame f1=new Frame("loginpage"); Label l1=new Label("username"); Label l2=new Label("password"); TextField tf1=new TextField(); TextField tf2=new TextField(); Button b1=new Button("submit"); Form1() { f1.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); f1.add(l1); f1.add(tf1); f1.add(l2); f1.add(tf2); f1.add(b1); f1.setSize(437,440); f1.setVisible(true); //f1.dispose(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Form1 f=new Form1(); } }
What is jpanel in java swing with example?
Which swing methods are thread-safe?
Why swing components are called lightweight components?
Can a class be it?s own event handler? Explain how to implement this?
Is swing an adjective?
Is swing part of core java?
What is meant by Swing?
What is swing components in java?
What is the relationship between clipping and repainting?