How a string is stored in c?
Which sorting algorithm is the best?
How do c compilers work?
consider the following structure: struct num nam{ int no; char name[25]; }; struct num nam n1[]={{12,"Fred"},{15,"Martin"},{8,"Peter"},{11,Nicholas"}}; ..... ..... printf("%d%d",n1[2],no,(*(n1 + 2),no) + 1); What does the above statement print? a.8,9 b.9,9 c.8,8 d.8,unpredictable value
How variables are declared in c?
C,c++, Java is all are structural oriented or procedure oriented language..?
What is the difference between pure virtual function and virtual function?
What is your favorite subject?
1 Answers Ericsson, Invendis, Tech Mahindra,
What is queue in c?
what are threads ? why they are called light weight processes ? what is the relation between process and threads ?
how to print a statement in c without use of console statement ,with the help of if statement it should print
What are header files and what are its uses in C programming?
Are bit fields portable?