Is 0 true or false in java?
Accenture NJ mostly ask question on Collection like 1)How to sort Objcts and how treeset sort them 2)Explain mechanism of Hashcode finding in Java 3)Name some of the Sorted collection.
Why object class is super class for every class in java?
Why do we use string?
what are the different access specifiers that can be used by interfaces and abstract classes? can anyone give me detailed description on this
11 Answers IBM, L&T,
What is an inner class in java?
What are the advantages of java?
what is the difference between a java object reference and c++ pointer?
What are design patterns and please explain?
can we write a program with out a class in core java?
What is a buffer in java?
does java support default argument in Method?
How to deprecate a method? Show it with proper example. Plz give the answer of this.Thanx in advance. mail me: