Which is the dependent variable?
how can attached a file to a mail and attached a resume to a mail and received in id
Do you know what does $globals means?
how to set session expire(session timeout) using php code
How is it possible to parse a configuration file?
How do you check if a variable has not been set in php?
Tell me what are sql injections, how do you prevent them and what are the best practices?
Can php variables have numbers?
Explain mixed and callback functions?
What is the current stable version of php? What advance thing in php7?
i am a 3yr diploma holder(CSE) from bangalore and i got job as php developer.. starting 7.5k... but i dont know what is the future carreer scop for diploma holders(for me)...plz help
What is the difference between == and === in php?
Is there any way to call a JAVASCRIPT function in PHP in AJAX