What is php data type?
How can a cross-site scripting attack be prevented by php?
<?php include ("db.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT ques_id FROM questionbank order by ques_id limit 5 "); while($obj=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $ad1[$obj['ques_id']]++;//Used an array and inserted the database query results into it. } $rand_keys=array_rand($ad1,1); //Did a random array function echo "First random id = ".$ad1[$rand_keys[0]]; echo "<br>Second random id = ".$ad1[$rand_keys[1]]; ?> <!--Its not working. Have any solution for this. -->
What are the advantages of php mysql?
Tell me what is the main difference between php 4 and php 5?
What are the design patterns in php?
What are the method available in form submitting?
What is difference between sql and php?
What is the difference between include and require?
write the prime number of program?in php
in PHP for pdf which library used?
which is the best institute for php training near delhi & NCR......& what is the fee for the same....
How can we increase the execution time of a PHP script?
12 Answers CyberBeoz, Photon, XTX,