How are shells born?
Is it possible to substitute "ls" command in the place of "echo" command?
Why is a script important?
write a scwipt that a) takes exactly one argument, a directory name. b) if the number of argument is more or less than one,print a usage message c) if the argument is not adirectory, print another message d) for the given directory, print the five biggest files and the five files that were most recently modified. e) save the output to a file called q2output.
How do I open a jshell in cmd?
What is difference between bash and shell?
c program which behaves like a shell(command interpreter). it has its own prompt say "NewShell$".any normal shell command is executed from your shell by starting a child process to execute a system program corrosponding to the command
How will you emulate wc –l using awk?
What is the difference between running a script as ./ and sh
What exactly is a shell?
How do I run a bin bash script?
What is ms powershell?
What are the different variables present in linux shell?