What are the dos commands?
what do you understand by 'unix is a portable os'?
Is command prompt unix?
which command is used to identify the type of the file?
can we use cat command as an editor ..???
Explain command to show the space allocation of files?
What command is used to replace the existing string with some other?
How do I run a whois command?
Hi All, Can you please let me know how to grep for a particular pattern in unix. I want to print the dates from the file exp.txt. the date pattern is DD:MM:YYYY, I just want to print all the dates from the file exp.txt.
8 Answers Concentrix, IBM, Symantec, TCS,
their is a file1,file2 and i want to append file1 data to file2?
What are some command words?
How we will execute previous command in vi editor?
Give the command to display space usage on the UNIX file system.