Following a sharp rise in the international prices of crude
oil and diesel, diesel prices were raised by the government
in October 1999 by

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Following a sharp rise in the international prices of crude oil and diesel, diesel prices were rais..

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Which one among the following pairs is not correctly matched? 1 Bachhendri Pal : Mountaineer 2 Bindeshwari Pathak : Social Worker 3 Giriraj Kishore : Literateur 4 Sunderlal Bahuguna : Musicial

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As a part of its Children?s Day celebrations, which of the following States decidd to issue ?Birth Certificates to about 19 lakh children who were born during the last 10 years in the State but were living without a proper ?Birth Certificate? until now 1 Haryana 2 Uttar Pradesh 3 Bihar 4 Punjab

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The most important kingdom in Deccan and Central India after the Mauryas was the: (a) Satavahanas (b) Vakatakas (c) Pallavas (d) Cholas

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Who among the following has not been awarded the Barat Ratna? (A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Vinoba Bhave (C) Sardar Patel (D) Radhakrishnan

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In human body, the role of bile salts in digestion is to 1 Act as coenzymes during the digestion of carbohydrates 2 Emulsify fats and facilitate their absorption 3 Aid in the break-up of proteins into amino acids and their absorption 4 Stimulate the pancreas to release its enzymes

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Pushyabhuti dynasty ruled over: (a) Thaneswar (b) Ujjain (c) Sakal (d) Pataliputra

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. If a gas is compressed to half of its original volume at 270C, to what temperature should it be heated to make it occupy its original volume? (a) 3270C (b) 6000C (c) 540C (d) 3000C

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In which areas is physical weathering more prominent? (a) Arid areas (b) Humid areas (c) Cold areas

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Mr.Kenneth Kaunda, who was very much in the news recently, was the ex-president of 1 Uganda 2 Rwanda 3 South Africa 4 Zambia

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Satish Gujral is a famous : (a) painter (b) architect (c) violinist (d) sitarist

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The Revolt of 1857 was : (a) a sepoy mutiny (b) a Muslim conspiracy (c) a revolt by rulers and landlords (d) the first war of independence

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The relics of the pre-Aryan civilization have been unearthed at: (a) Taxila (b) Rajgir (c) Indraprastha (d) Mohenjodaro

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