What is the difference between union and structure in c?
please explain clearly about execution of c program in detail,in which stage are the printf sacnf getting into exeecutable code
Why is c called c not d or e?
name the language for writing c compiler?
Write a c program to print the sizes and ranges of different data types in c?
my name is nani i completed my b-tech in hyd now i want go for interveiw but i dont know the process of software field interveiws plz help me anyone how many rouds there n what rounds plz plz plz help me n where i can get these details
explain what is an endless loop?
how to reverse string "Hello World" by using pointers only. Without any temp var
What is keyword with example?
Can we declare variables anywhere in c?
Program to find the absolute value of given integer using Conditional Operators
In header files whether functions are declared or defined?
array of pointer pointer to array pointer to pointer