What is a example of a variable?
what is pointer?
13 Answers HCL, TCS,
If "AaBbCc" is passed to the char char x(*a) { a[0]?x(a+1):1; printf("%c",a[0]); return 1; } what will be the output?
Write a program to generate a pulse width frequency of your choise,which can be variable by using the digital port of your processor
What would happen to X in this expression: X += 15; (assuming the value of X is 5)
What does %p mean c?
What do you mean by c?
Explain what does a function declared as pascal do differently?
A character flag or control mechanism that delineates one data item from another a) variable b) constant c) delimiter d) call by reference
Write a routine that prints out a 2-D array in spiral order!
What is difference between stdio h and conio h?
what is the difference between procedure oriented and object oriented progaming language
What’s the special use of UNIONS?