Can php run without apache?
Explain the types of string comparision function in PHP
Is nan in php?
i'm graduate and doing MCM- 1year(Master in Computer Management. i'm very interested in PHP? Please tell me some suggetion and the scope of PHP in the market. My E-mail Thanks & Regards Pawan.
What are the reasons for selecting lamp (linux, apache, mysql, PHP) instead of combination of other software programmes, servers and operating systems?
What are php data types?
What software is required to run php?
What are escaping characters? Explain with an example?
How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP? How can we know the number of days between two given dates using MySQL?
What does type casting mean in php? Explain with an example?
What is return in php function?
What is array function in javascript?
Write a program to display table of a number using php?