Which is the best c++ compiler for beginners?
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string somestring ; Which of the following choices will convert a standard C++ string object "somestring" to a C string? a) Copy.somestring () ; b) somestring.c_str () c) &somestring [1] d) std::cstring (somestring) e) (char *) somestring
Explain the concept of memory leak?
What is the difference between the functions rand(), random(), srand() and randomize()?
Can we use resume in error handling i.e. in the catch block
Explain overriding.
Does c++ vector allocate memory?
Which command properly allocates memory a) char *a=new char[20]; b) char a=new char[20]; c) char a=new char(20.0);
write a c++ program to create class student having datamember name,Roll_no,age,and branch intilcization all the member using constructor print the all the details on the screen.
Write a single instruction that will find the remainder of integral division when x is divided by y. Have the answer stored in z.
What is problem with overriding functions?
Explain the extern storage classes in c++.
without if else statement can be written ah