What is difference between oop and pop?
I am DeePu sotware engineer working with EMC corporation ,recently I had attended mcafee interview . Their questions were at heights of stupidity , I don't know what they want , I am a developer with 4 year experienced .I am listing the questions asked 1:What is the flag in g++ to avoid structure padding 2:In wht order parameters are passed to stack 3:How you will edit code segment of an exe
Hi All, I am new to programming and want to know how can i write a code to take input of 2 numbers from user and swap it without using a temp variable?
What is multilevel inheritance?
what is the drawback of classical methods in oops?
what is object slicing?
What are the data types in oop?
How to overload postfix operator in c++
How is polymorphism achieved?
What normal C constructs work differently in C++?
How to call a non virtual function in the derived class by using base class pointer
What is overriding in oop?
what is virtual function in c++