What is void pointer in c++ with example?
How do you flush a buffer in c++?
what is meaning of isa and hsa
write a program that takes 5 digit no and calculate 2 power that no and print it.
What is the main use of c++?
what is oops and list its features in c++?
What data encapsulation is in c++?
How many ways can a variable be initialized into in C++?
A mXn matrix is given and rows and column are sorted as shown below.Write a function that search a desired entered no in the matrix .with minimum complexity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Describe functional overloading?
Describe delete operator?
What is a pointer how and when is it used?
Why is c++ still popular?