how to create multithreaded program? : Java thread
What are the default and parameterized constructors?
make a method which any number and any type of argument and print sum of that arguments.....
What is stored procedure. How do you create stored procedure ?
Write an algorithm program in java for the following question.. In a VLSI design techniques,they used rectangles to design circuits. EVery rectangle is to be placed according to x,y coordinates. Check whether or not two rectangles overlap each other. Here overlapping of rectangles is acceptable, if 1) one rectangle intersect with other. 2) one rectangle fully covers other. The time of algorithm should not exceed o(n logn).
What is difference between arraylist and list in java?
Which collection is thread safe in java?
What are different types of states exist for a thread?
Difference between JVM and JRE?
Is 0 true or false in java?
Can you declare an interface method static?
Write a program to show whether a graph is a tree or not using adjacency matrix.
Write a java program to get a string of words and print the numbers of each word count in descending order