Which disease occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin "d"?
minimum how many levels of controls to be run as per the best laboratory practice?explain why?
What are the causes ,cure and preventive measures of (a) Diabetes (b)Plague (c)Typhoid (d)Hydrophobia or Rabies
why it is come urine yellow some times colour less ?
Explain cataract?
what is the range of ftir as per usfda?
What is the temperature that maintained in Spisation method of Sterlization ?
which disease occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin "D"?what r its symptoms?
why we have to use particular buffer only for dissolution.
What is supernatant?
what are arboviruses?
Write short notes on following. Penicillin, antiseptic, artificial insemination, hydrophobia, cataract, memingitis, mumps
Why are use KF reagent to measure water content & why not any other reagent?