What is the figurative constant in cobol?
What will happen if a variable is declared as below.. Explain with an example? Working storage section:- 01 WS-VARX PIC X(9) VALUE SPACES. 01 WS-VARN REDEFINES WS-VARX PIC 9(9).
Why IBM?
I have a files containing both duplicate and non-duplicate records.The file is already sorted by a key.I want to determine those records that are duplicate and records that are non-duplicate.If duplicate the record is move to a duplicate file and if non-duplicate that will be move to valid file.thank you
The hierarchy of the execution of logical operators is (a) NOT AND OR (b) AND OR NOT (c) OR AND NOT (d) OR NOT AND
10 Answers Huawei, IBM, TCS,
how to move the records from file to array table. give with code example
wht is the difference between goto and perform stmts
IF there 5 to 6 files in a JCL and there is some space abends, how can we identify which file has space abend and what can be done to get off that abend or rectify that abend.
What will happen if a variable is declared as below.. Explain with an example? Working storage section:- 01 WS-VARX PIC X(10) VALUE 'ABCDEFGHIJ'. 01 WS-VARN REDEFINES WS-VARX PIC 9(5) VALUE '12345'. What will happen I want Display WS-VARX and WS-VARN?
If you are current on the owner of a set, what is the difference between obtain next and obtain first?
How is sign stored in Packed Decimal fields and Zoned Decimal fields?
how do you define single dimensional array and multidimensional array in your cobol?
if someone is using my file,how can i find which user id is using?