What is the difference between iterator and list iterator?
what is j2se
Can we convert stringbuffer to string?
How do you define a singleton class?
class A{ m2(){ } } class B extends A{ m2(){ } } class c extends B{ m2(){ } } class my_class extends c{ m2(){ } pulic static void main(){ ...My_class a = new my_class(); super.super.super.m2(); is this is leagal if not find what is the legal procedure in order to call A's version of m2(); }
what is template design pattern?
what are three ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state? : Java thread
What is set string?
What are filterstreams?
wht is mean by dirty read?
How many bytes is a char in java?
How to sort double array in java?
Hi buddy, well i got that there is always a default constructor with abstract class. OK. But why not with interface? Thanks in advance.