What is cookies? How to create cookies in php?
What is the difference between include and include_once ? Which is one is good in terms of performance ?
What are the rules to determine the “truth” of any value which is not already of the boolean type?
How can we submit form without a submit button?
why header() gives the error like header already sent in php please explain in brief
Explain the difference between session and cookies in php?
What is difference between single quotes and double quotes in php?
How to check your php installation?
What is api example?
Explain how can we increase the execution time of a php script?
How many ways can we get the value of current session id?
3 Answers Infosys, L&T, SysBiz, Torque Infotech,
Tell me are parent constructors called implicitly inside a class constructor?
Which function(s) in PHP computes the difference of arrays?