How to download file in php?
How to use http headers inside php?
How to check an element is exists in array or not in php?
Is php is dying?
How to execute a php script from the command line?
what is interface in php? how it is use?
10 Answers Infosys, PHP, Times, Torque Infotech, Wipro,
How to apply Cake php ajax pagination?
What is basic php?
Why print_r is used in php?
What is the use of mysql_real_escape_string() function?
How to avoid the undefined index error?
how to upload more than 50 mb? i tried but session was expired....certain time .....i was set session duration three days .... how to rectified? if any one know that post ur answer as soon as possible? thanks
what are the differents between 'action' and 'target' in form tag?