Who is known as the father of php?
Suppose your zend engine supports the mode <? ?> Then how can you configure your php zend engine to support <?php ?> Mode ?
What are php keywords?
What are the Merits and De-Merits of CURL library ?
I have two radio button, i click one radio button display one dropdown box, one text field. and then click another radio button display one text field.so any one give me good idea plz.....i used <div id="" style=display:none> but not work..
Which is better php praogramming or cad/cam scope wise and also salaray wise?
How to merge values of two arrays into a single array?
Does strlen include null?
Tell me how to set a page as a home page in a php based site?
What types of MYSQL function available for affecting columns
What is sticky form in php?
Tell me how can we pass the variable through the navigation between the pages?
What is the use of die in php?