What is a far pointer in c?
Write a program in C to print the alphabets in order as on a mobile phone.i.e:When 2 is pressed once 'a' prints and if it is pressed two times 'b' prints and so on.we have to print all the alphabets as on mobile phone like this.
What is the purpose of void in c?
Explain argument and its types.
a=10;b= 5;c=3;d=3; if(a printf(%d %d %d %d a,b,c,d) else printf("%d %d %d %d a,b,c,d);
What is queue in c?
What is a stream water?
what is the advantage of function pointer
16 Answers CMC, CS, Freshdesk, L&T, LG Soft, Matrix, TCS,
how to execute with out main in cprogram
Difference between Shallow copy and Deep copy?
Write a program in c to print 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321
11 Answers ANR, College School Exams Tests, Mu Sigma, Wipro,
how to use enum datatype?Please explain me?
What are the disadvantages of a shell structure?