What is a simple php method to make a cross domain data request?
What is the use of curl()?
What’s the difference between sort(), assort() and ksort? Under what circumstances would you use each of these?
hi guys..i m new to php..and want to learn it including the oops concept...can anybody send me some good programming bases exercise or a small learning project on it at nitsl_a@yahoo.co.in.I know html and going thru some of its websites.But about to go on it practically.plz advice.
1 Answers College School Exams Tests, Satas, Wipro,
What are php errors?
Does php have block scope?
How can we calculate the similarity between two strings?
What is global array in php?
How to remove html tags from data in php?
What does isset() function?
Tell me how do I check if a given variable is empty?
Why do we use query?
Is multiple inheritance supported in php?