How can a cross-site scripting attack be prevented by php?
Is it possible to get the screen resolution and like with php?
What websites use php?
What is php.ini & .htacess file?
What is the use of hooks?
How we can convert dynamic url into static url? plz provide code.
when will be syndicate bank written exam ? i need the date of exam
What is the difference between InnoDB and MyIsam
1 Answers Brain Technosys, IBM, TCS, TLI Software, Wipro,
What are the different data types in javascript?
hello experts good morning to everyone ! at present am now learning LAMP course sir( linux, apache,mysql and php) after finishing this course can i create my own website without investment is it possible ? please can any one tell sir and also tell me how can i upload my project after finishing the project in internet ? please tell the ways sir please send ur valuable suggestions to kiranpulsar2007@gmail.comcom
What is difference between html and php?
Write a php code which could be used to generate random numbers between 1 - 100 and display them on the screen.
Why do we use javascript in php?