Write a program to find the greatest of three numbers in java?
What is compile time polymorphism?
20 Answers CTS, Elementus Technologies, Oracle,
What is not thread safe?
How to obtain a performance profile of java program
Is string a data type in java?
In how many ways we can the thread? in java
Why to use nested classes in java? (Or) what is the purpose of nested class in java?
How do you remove duplicates in java?
what is nested class in java?
We have two methods to create methods the threads. 1. Implementing runnable interface 2. Extending to thread class and overriding run method. Among these two which one is better and why? Please explain me in detail.
If a class is declared without any access modifiers, where may the class be accessed in java programming?
What is a parameter example?
How many digits can a float hold?