How to get the last index of a string in javascript?
How do you clear an array in javascript?
What is called variable typing in javascript?
What is foreach loop in javascript?
How to get the primitive value of a string in Javascript?
How to shift and unshift using javascript?
How compare function works javascript?
How can you to add javascript to a page when performing an asynchronous postback?
what difference between args.length and args.length() in command line argument?
The below script is working Internet browser but not working in mozilla plz find that good way... function doSubmit(op){ var rowcount=document.getElementsByName ("parameterTypeId").length; var parameterGrade; var performance; var goal; if(op == "save"){ for (var i=0; i < rowcount; i++) { var param=eval("document.forms [0].parameterGrade"+i); if(param.value != "select"){ return true; } } alert("Please rate atleast one attribute"); return false; }//if ends here
What are the methods of validating whether the form is secure?
What are types of javascript?
In javascript chained select menus are available.first select menu is worked and others are disabled.when we select any one option then the next select menu will worked having option releated to selcted in first select menu.How it possible? what is the coading of this programme?