How to test null values?
why dont we assign not null constraint as table level constraint.
How to pass a cursor variable to a procedure?
What is catalog in Oracle?
What spfile/init.ora file parameter exists to force the CBO to make the execution path of a given statement use an index, even if the index scan may appear to be calculated as more costly?
how to retrive xml data for using sql query?
How do you rate yourself in oracle and sql server ?
How index is implemented in oracle database?
A and B are tables. x is a column. Then What is difference between A.x = B.x(+) and A.x = B.x ?
2. Display the item number and total cost for each order line (total cost = no of items X item cost). Name the calculated column TOTAL COST.
How do you store pictures in a database?
What is the sid in oracle?
I just want to maintain data like an employee can belongs to 3 or more departments . We can resolve this by using composite key but it avoids normalization rules. So Can anyone tell me how can I maintain data.