How to unlock the sample user account in oracle?
What is the difference between RBBMS & DBMS?
Give the advantages and disadvantages of clusters.
How to list all indexes in your schema?
What is the difference between substr and instr?
"primary key=unique+null" is equal,reson?not,reason?
What are the benefits of ordbms?
How to find 1st, 2nd, 3rd highest using select select statement not using rownum
I have a parent program and a child program. I want to write a statement in Exception Block of the parent program so that when the statement in the exception block is executed, the control goes to the next statement in the parent block bypassing the child block.How do i do that?
Compare and contrast between sql and sql server and explain its various functions?
I have a table called 'test' on source and target with same name, structure and data type but in a different column order. How can you setup replication for this table?
In SAP ECC 6.0 , under DB02 tcode , Tablespace name to be explain stepy step all the col
How to use existing values in update statements using oracle?