What is the most efficient way to count the number of bits which are set in an integer?
c program to add and delete an element from circular queue using array
What is the use of #include in c?
c pgm count no of lines , blanks, tabs in a para(File concept)
What is the result main() { char c=-64; int i=-32 unsigned int u =-16; if(c>i){ printf("pass1,"); if(c<u) printf("pass2"); else printf("Fail2");} else printf("Fail1); if(i<u) printf("pass2"); else printf("Fail2") } a)Pass1,Pass2 b)Pass1,Fail2 c)Fail1,Pass2 d)Fail1,Fail2 e)none
Look at the Code: #include<string.h> void main() { char s1[]="abcd"; char s2[10]; char s3[]="efgh"; int i; clrscr(); i=strcmp(strcat(s3,ctrcpy(s2,s1))strcat(s3,"abcd")); printf("%d",i); } What will be the output? A)No output B) A Non Integer C)0 D) Garbage
what is the role you expect in software industry?
number 2 plssssss help !!....using array.. turbo c.. create a program that will accept a number and determine if it is a happy number or an unhappy number.. example: enter a number : 7 7*7=49 then 4 and 9 4*4 and 9*9== 16 + 18 gives you 97 then 9 and 7 9*9 and 7*7 == 81 + 49 gives you 130 then 1 and 3 1*1 and 3*3 == 1 + 9 gives you 10 1*1 gives you 1 sample output: 7= 49= 16+81= 97= 81+49=130 =1+9=10 =1 "7 is a happy number" . if the last number is 2 then the number being inputed is not a happy number.
When should the register modifier be used? Does it really help?
How can you call a function, given its name as a string?
What are identifiers in c?
Here is a good puzzle: how do you write a program which produces its own source code as output?
What is the difference between Printf(..) and sprint(...) ?