Why doesnt long int work?

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Read N characters in to an array . Use functions to do all problems and pass the address of array to function. 1. Print only the alphabets . If in upper case print in lower case vice versa. 2. Enter alphanumeric characters and form 2 array alphaets and digits.Also print the count of each array. 3. Find the count of a certain character. 4. Print the positions where a certain character occured. 5. Print the characters between successive array elements. 6. Find the largest and smallest charcter. How many times it each one occured. 7. Enter a certain range. Print out the array elements which occured between these range. 8. Reverse a character array without using another array. 9. Reverse an array region. 10. Replace a the array elements with it next character . Use a after z. 11. Code the array element with certain character as first alphabet. 12. Duplicate all the vowels in a character array. What is the new count. 13. Delete the vowels in a character array. What is the new array count. 14. Print the count of all characters in the array. 15. Enter n alphabets and store a upto tht charcter in array.What is the array count? 16. Sort a character array. 17. Merge 2 character arrays largearray,smallarray. 18. Find the pair with largest number of characters in between. 19. Find the numerical value of a charcter array. 20. Store n numeral characters in an arrray. Insert another numeral character in a certain position. 21. Insert a character in a sorted array. 22. Merge 2 sorted arrays in sorted fashion. 23. Duplicate the least occuring character. 24. Write a menu driven program to circular right/left shift an array of n elements. 25. Is the character array palindrome? if not make it palindrome. 26. Concatenate the first n charaters to the end of the string. 27. Print all n group of chracters which are palindrome. 28. Concatneate the reverse of last n characters to the array.

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