Which class is the superclass for every class in java programming?
Write a regular expression to validate a password. A password must start with an alphabet and followed by alphanumeric characters; its length must be in between 8 to 20.
What does function identity () do?
What is class and its types?
What is the scope or life time of instance variables?
What are the steps involved to write rmi based programs?
Does java initialize arrays to zero?
what is difference between abstract factory and factory design patterns?
What is a file pointer?
I have a sorting issue with a Hashmap. My constraint is that I MUST use the Hashmap and work with existing code. I do a database query and place the results in a Hashmap. When I iterate thru the Hashmap, it loses the original alphabetical sorting done by the database. So, my problem is that I must sort the results coming out of the Hashmap which is then placed into another class.
define the terminology association.
java program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors.
what is net based application and its types