Explain how to reverse singly link list.
what is the use of pointers
Write a program that can show the multiplication table.
What is fflush() function?
what does keyword ‘extern’ mean in a function declaration?
how can use subset in c program and give more example
i want to make a program in which we use input having four digits(4321) and get output its reciprocal(1234).
Why c is called free form language?
How can I implement a delay, or time a users response, with sub-second resolution?
Who is invented by c?
write a c program to print a given number as odd or even without using loop statements,(no if ,while etc)
Write a function which takes as parameters one regular expression(only ? and * are the special characters) and a string and returns whether the string matched the regular expression.
How are 16- and 32-bit numbers stored?