What is form c & d in sales tax?
what is differed tax liability/asset? how it is to be calculated?
how can i(accoutant) file tds,vat,service tax,salestax,business it returns?
2 Answers Biotavia, GMG, Hot Brands,
what is the ct-1 sale? if ct-1 bond is misplaced what is the procedure for applying for new bond.
We are generally give order to the printing company for printing our uniqe file,calender,sovenour,answer sheet,envelop etc, when company submite the bill it charge the bill includes vat@4%, so can we deduct the TDS on total invoice value or only cost amount (exclude the vat).
what is meaning the central excise duties
how to adjustent the accounts part of the company and how to calculate vat and gst .kindly answer me sir. my e-mail id is:- dipak92.dip@gmail.com
waht is Entry Tax ? how to sett of vat?
Can I deduct TDS on Advance payment towards advertisment expenses.
One bill of Rs.200000/- for Machinery hire issued by party, but total bill is reversed by me to party. In this matter what is the TDS Deduction entry I can made or not?
how calculate salary supos my salary gross 12000 i want know that basic salary+da+other deduction
How treat TDS & TCS in manual or Tally 9 softwere ?
please tel me Karnataka vat,sale tax deposit from and return from