What does the diaphragm do?
Which animal uses an ultrasonic sonar to detect its pray?
Can ocean salt water fishes survive in fresh water ?
How are fishery catches changing?
Name the dog which is is not a dog?
which is the fastest groing fish amonge indianmajorcarps?
Its danger for human to sleep at night under a big a tree, why its not danger for birds because they sit on the tree whole night?
0 Answers College School Exams Tests,
In which of the glands are graffian follicles found??
What are the risks associated with the contaminants affecting fish?
Why do elephants flap their ears so much?
What are the names of the species of frogs that have the ability to change what sex (male/female) they are?
Do the lions or lionesses do most of the hunting in a pride?
Is Human Egg Alecithal or Microlecithal?