Explain what does it mean when a pointer is used in an if statement?
Is it cc or c in a letter?
Do you know what are bitwise shift operators in c programming?
main() { inta=10,b=20; a>=5?b=100:b=200; printf("%d ",b); }
I have an array of 100 elements. Each element contains some text. i want to: append a star character to the end of every fifth element remove every second character from every tenth element, and… add a line feed (ascii 10) after the 30th character of every array element whose length is greater than 30 characters.
Explain the use of bit fieild.
enum { SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, }day; main() { day =20; printf("%d",); getch(); } what will be the output of the above program
What is static memory allocation?
Explain the difference between getch() and getche() in c?
What is fflush() function?
what is the difference between char * const and const char *?
What is modeling?
What is a floating point in c?